UK Junior Mathematical Challenge – James Oglethorpe Pupils placed in the Top 7%

A talented group of youngsters at The James Oglethorpe Primary School are feeling very proud of themselves and quite rightly so. They have achieved high results in a national Maths Challenge.

Their talents were recognised by teachers and so they were entered into the UK Junior Mathematical Challenge which is aimed at the top third of pupils in Year 8 (secondary school level) or below in the country.

Certificates are given only to the top 40% of children nationally.

This year, one of our pupils, Rosie  at only 11 years of age, achieved Gold level which puts her in the top 7% of pupils who entered in the UK. Well done Rosie, an amazing achievement.

A silver certificate was awarded to Bailey and bronze certificates were awarded to Ciaran , Daragh , Amy  and Arbi.

We send our congratulations to all those who participated in the UK Mathematical Challenge quiz. “This is a marvellous achievement for our pupils reflecting our high standards and the challenges being set in Mathematics here”, said Headteacher, Ms Deborah Rowles.

Mrs Rogers, Chair of Governors, at the school in Ashvale Gardens, Cranham, said that the pupils had done extremely well and should be very proud of their result and themselves. The school should also be proud of its continuing successes in the Maths arena.Pentax Digital Camera Pentax Digital Camera


Class 12 Harry Potter Maths

To celebrate Harry Potter Day, Class 12 had a magical maths lesson to fit in with their learning on data this week. We decided to sort ourselves into the Hogwarts houses through a quick quiz. Using the results we then created a tally graph to show this data clearly. After that we transferred it onto our bar graphs. To add to the magic, we had our Harry Potter music playing in the background whilst we learned!

Class 6 Harry Potter

Class 6 enjoyed creating their magic wands and learning about characters from the Harry Potter series of books during Harry Potter Day.

Capacity Investigation

In maths this week Year 3 and 4 have been learning about measurement and estimation, here are our photos of our capacity investigation.

1,2,3 Cheese-Promoting Maths in real-Life situations and jobs

 Cameras at the ready. We want to promote the use of maths outside of school in real-life situations and jobs. We would like to ask you to send us in a “selfie” of you using maths in the real world. Some of you will work in financial service jobs where the link is clear and obvious to children but others may not. You might be a healthcare professional administering medication; a lorry driver working out time to travel or weight of loads; a tradesperson working out the area for building or decorating. The opportunities are endless and our aim is to embed the belief that maths is all around us and not just a skill for school but an essential skill for life.

We could just buy a set of posters to display around the school but we think the children would be far more engaged and motivated to see you, their parents (grandparents, aunts, uncles too) using maths in the work place or at home.

Can we kindly ask that you send your selfie in to along with your name; your child/children’s name and a short blurb explaining I use maths to…


NB: The aim is to put the photos up around the school but we may also post them onto the school blog – please let us know if you do not want your photo on the blog.


Class 8 and the Magic Squares

It may have been the last week of term but class 8 were still working their socks off just before we broke up for the holidays!
They worked with their partner to solve ‘magic squares’- tricky, missing number, sudoku-like maths investigations. Class 8 are not usually camera shy but they struggled to tear their eyes away from the problems- even for the camera -so not many faces in the photos!
Have a go at a magic square for  yourself. The aim is to find the ‘magic number’ and fill in the empty squares. The total of each row, column and diagonal is the same number. If you get stuck just ask your own member of class 8!
Miss Blake

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Class 7

Well done to all the children in class 7 for their hard work and determination in their weekly times tables challenge.
Their learning challenge back in September was to learn all their times tables and related divisions up to 12. They had 8 minutes to complete a sheet of 100 mixed sums, 9 minutes to complete a sheet of 150 mixed sums and 10 minutes to complete 200 mixed sums. We have had 100% success rate in the class with ALL children meeting and exceeeding their targets.
A big thankyou parents for all your help as well as a huge thank you to the class 7 times tables buddies for motivating their friends.
Mrs Wickenden and Mrs Thomas

Class 7 – Fun in the Sun.

In science we have been learning about light and shadows. As we now have glorious weather we were able to investigate shadows in greater detail. We linked the science to our maths. The children had to make a prediction about what would happen to their shadow during the course of the day.

They drew around their friend’s shadow and recorded their findings in centimetres and metres. This has been repeated during the course of the day. Tomorrow the children will present this data in the form of bar charts.

They will then look back over their predictions to see if they were correct.

Parent’s- What do you think happens to a shadow during the day and why?

Mrs Wickenden

Borough Mathematics Competition 2013

Borough Maths Competition 2013

Borough Maths Competition 2013

Huge congratulations need to go to the team of year 6 children who represented us at the Borough Mathematics Competition. You may remember that two years ago we were runners up and last year we were Borough Winners, so there was no pressure on our talented quartet! The children were accompanied by two of our governors, Mrs Rogers and Mrs Squance, who tell me that the competition this year was very tightly fought. I’m very pleased to announce that our children came second (out of 26 schools); this means we are the Borough Runners up and showing once again that the quality of teaching and level of challenge regularly targeted at our most talented mathematicians enables them to compete at such a high standard. Well done all.